Editorial Board
Sheima Amir-Araghi (Editor in Chief): Sheima is a second year at UCSC studying for a Literature Degree. She enjoys gardening, reading, and dancing. Sheima is an activist and consistently participates in grassroots organizations in hope of creating the change she wants to see in her local community and the world. GEJO interested her due to her aligned values with the journal and the extensive learning opportunities in the internship.
Ghouran Chang (Editor): Ghouran (he/him) is a third-year student at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is pursuing a combined major in Environmental Studies and Economics, along with a minor in Statistics. Ghouran is passionate about soccer, sustainable fashion, and nature. He chose to intern at GEJO to gain a deeper understanding of environmental justice.
Anna Dillon (Editor): Anna graduated from UCSC in June 2024 with a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies. She has a passion for spreading awareness about global environmental justice issues through forms of media. During her internship with GEJO, she worked as the editor for Tina Milz, author of Propagating Discourse: Community Gardener Motivations in the California Central Coast. After graduation, she plans to work in science communication.
Hannah Downing (Editor): Hannah (pronouns: she/her) is an Environmental Studies major at UCSC with a concentration in Global Environmental Justice. Her passions fall within the intersection of social and environmental topics, and she hopes to use this to advocate for a more socially just world. She joined the GEJO team to better understand the work being done behind the scenes in Environmental Justice.
Isabella Gilmore (Editor): Isabella (She/her) is a third-year student at UCSC pursuing a major in Environmental Studies and a minor in Literature. She is highly interested in agroecology and food systems in the US and would love to become more involved in providing affordable, sustainably produced, and nutritious food to marginalized communities. Isabella was inspired to work on this journal to highlight the importance of environmental justice in academic environmental spaces and to learn from professionals’ experiences in the environmental justice field.
Kiaya Moser: Kiaya is one of our talented undergraduate interns who is majoring in Environmental Studies at UCSC.