There are a variety of organizations all around the world fighting in the environmental justice movement. They all take on different roles, whether it be working in advocacy, providing aid, or conducting research, regardless of their individual projects, they all work together for one goal. Here a few of the countless organizations around the world:
EnvJustice Research Project
Research group funded by the European Union through the European Union Council that wants to expand the research done into environmental justice conflicts. They have produced countless scientific papers about environmental justice conflicts. The team is composed of thirteen different scholars who come from diverse backgrounds. They also share knowledge through internships and summer school.
Fiji Environmental Law Association
Based in Fiji, this group works to provide legal aid to community groups to help combat and improve the impacts that these coastal communities face as a result of mismanagement of fisheries and degradation of the coastal and marine environment. They aim to help the community be aware of the laws and regulations surrounding the management of fisheries. They also aim to provide legal aid to any NGOs or community groups who are working on sustainable management of fisheries and any other natural resources. They are funded through grants, private, and government organizations. Ways to get involved include volunteering and donating.
Indigenous Environmental Network
Formado por gente Indígena, Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) funciona para apoyar, educar, y reconocer sobre las cuestiones ambientales y económicas de justicia. IEN logra hacer esto por la organización de campañas, acciones directas, y conciencia pública. La organización quiere construir transparencia entre la comunidad y el desarrollo de iniciativas para la política impacto. Dedicados a proteger y respetar todo de la Madre tierra y las Indígenas conocimiento, IEN se concentrarse en educación entre la comunidad y jóvenes. Con un gran presencia, IEN tiene muchas alianzas como Climate Justice Alliance y campanas de abusos de Indígena derechos sobre las tierra.
Acción Ecológica
Como una de las organizaciones más reconocidos en América Latina, Acción Ecológica fue formado por grupos de la universidad en Educador. La organización se enfoque en campañas contra problemas asociados con la perfocacion de petróleo y la destrucción de bosques costeros. Acción Ecológica existe para soportar comunidades Indígenas y ayudar différentes coalición de fuerzas sociales. Por ejemplo, dirigieron la lucha contra los planes del presidente Ecuatoriano, Rafael Correa para expandir la industria minera. Con más de veinte años de experiencia, Acción Ecológica he tenido mucho influencia en socio-ambiental de Educador. Corrientemente están trabajando con familias campesinas y comunas que están enfrentando denuncias sobre el derecho por agua.
EarthRights International
EarthRights International was formed to combat the globalization of markets that has led to the abuses of human rights. Their work began in Burma to expose oil companies that came and exploited both the land and people. The founders used eye witness testimonies and stories to share the human rights violation and tried to attack the companies legally, but could not because of the laws in Burma. Their mission is to fight for human rights violations using legal actions and people power. They achieve this through campaigns programs, classroom programs, and legal programs that are all trying to give power to the people to fight back. They have expanded from dealing with local issues to having an international presence. They lead workshops on development issues, environmental campaigning, theories of change, use of media, report writing, mapping and map-making, and interviewing and fact-finding skills.
Earthlife Africa
Founded in Johannesburg, Earthlife Africa aims to stop degrading the environment and people in the context of industrial pollution and waste. They want to achieve a sustainable society that considers ecological limits and equitable living for all. They do this by holding campaigns some of their current campaigns focus on fracking and renewable energy. They also produce reports of environmental issues regarding research or policies. With over 25 years of experience, Earthlife has created powerful networks in South Africa training people in environmental justice that have gone into become prominent leaders in society. Ways to get involved are becoming a member to stay updated on issues they are working on or by donating.
Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance
Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance is part of an alliance that deals with water and air quality, climate change, and pollution in the Vaal area. As one of the most polluted areas in South Africa, the Vaal area faces many injustices from climate change. The goal of the alliance is to end pollution in the area, repair damage done to the environment, and have the government implement sustainable practices. They aim to achieve this through promoting awareness of injustice and environmental issues, providing resources to the community for sustainable practices,educating the community and engaging with the government to promote sustainable policies and regulations. They are working on a number of campaigns like water pollution. They have a blog to keep up awareness and share with the world.
South Durban Community Environmental Alliance
Based in South Durban, this group fights for the struggle of clean air, water, and soil as a result of environmental racism and poverty in their community. Their goal is to educate the community on understanding the social, political, economic factors that limit sustainable living. They do this by working with the local government to promote a healthy and safe environment. They achieve these goals through campaigns, for example, Action 24 is a campaign against climate change that is done through a video series. They also have publications and made news with their demands to shut down factories or propose big projects. Ways to get involved include donating and volunteering. Volunteers and interns gain experience and skills dealing with communities and social and environmental issues within a community.
Mining Affected Communities United in Action (MACUA)
This community based organization formed to have a power against mining companies and government in South Africa that have exploited and polluted the area. Mining companies have exploited, discriminated and abused black communities in South Africa. MACUA aims to create a social movement by uniting communities that are affected by mining activities. They do this by empowering independent social groups and people living in poverty, and women groups. Their main form of action is organizing through campaigns acknowledging the disproportionate impacts faced by these communities. One of their bigger campaigns was the MPRDA which fought to have the Minister of Mineral Resource to create regulations that would promote the interest of the community under mining activities. Ways to get involved include donate and volunteering. Volunteering can be done in the field, office, or online offering many ways to get involved.